What makes SlipSeat special is that we’ve built a better “mousetrap.”

In our industry, a traditional competitor will typically launch with one or two customers. Since it only needs to catch a few proverbial mice, it will use a time-tested, good old-fashioned mousetrap.  Cheap, efficient, and easy to set up.

As the business expands and encounters more mice, it simply adds additional traps. Because of this, the incumbents have grown to the point where they now have oodles and oodles of single-mouse mousetraps.

SlipSeat, on the other hand, was started to solve a moonshot type problem involving a lot of mice. A solution consisting of single-mouse mousetraps wasn’t an option for us because it wouldn’t solve our problem.  So, we built a multi-mouse mousetrap using technology. With it, we can catch lots and lots of mice simultaneously.

Why is this special?

You can think of customers like storefronts in an outdoor mall. Individually, they don’t have a lot of mice which is good because historically they have only had two options for removing them.  They could hire an employee to place and monitor a trap or two, or they could outsource the work to one of our competitors. As you might expect, outsourcing is more expensive – usually about 40% more.

Conceptually, our competitors will market themselves to the individual stores, placing one or two traps at a time. In contrast, we market ourselves to the mall and offer to cure their infestation for free while earning a small fee per catch, paid by the store owners.

Where there are a lot of mice, our cost per catch is really low because of our multi-mouse trap (and our need for fewer sales reps), and we pass those savings on to customers:

  • Switching from a competitor to SlipSeat should save a customer about 25% in hard cost. 
  • Switching from in-house to SlipSeat should save a customer about 10%, while reducing workload and risk.

In other words, our mousetrap is so efficient that outsourcing becomes a cheaper option than in-house.  

And in our industry, that makes us pretty special.